Earning a college education can be a great way to start a career, but attending a four-year university isn’t for everybody. Some people don’t want to spend the time and the tens of thousands of dollars to go to college, especially since there’s no direct career training or clear path to a job after their program ends. Fortunately, there is another solution available.
If you are impatient to get into the workforce as early as possible, you can always attend a technical school. Technical schools offer programs that can be completed in a relatively short period of time, less than a year for many programs. They are also generally much less expensive than 4-year universities. While it costs an average of $127,000 to earn a Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college, degrees and certificates from trade schools are typically a total of $33,000.
A More Focused Education
Perhaps the biggest benefit of earning an education at a technical college opposed to a four-year university is that technical schools and vocational programs offer a more focused curriculum. As valuable as Bachelor’s degrees can be, they cover a wider range of subjects than a technical degree or certificate. One of the most common questions that college students are asked after they pick their major is “What are you going to do with that?” Because they aren’t being prepared for any one career, it’s often difficult to choose what job they want to pursue or even judge what their opportunities are.
In technical programs, students are tracked through a carefully orchestrated curriculum that builds up skills essential to specific careers and industries. Many employers in the skilled trades are looking for specialists and qualified workers, and vocational programs offer that training.
Entering the Workforce Sooner
A student who attends a technical college will earn a degree or certificate much sooner than someone who enrolls in a four-year college. They will also spend less on tuition and supplies, and they most likely won’t have to worry about mandatory on-campus housing and the other expenses that university students wrack up. It can be hard to find gainful employment in today’s economy, even for those who have earned undergraduate or even graduate degrees. For many people, going to school for a few months and a few thousand dollars to learn a trade and find gainful employment simply makes much more sense than spending over one hundred thousand dollars and four-plus years for a more general degree that may or may not translate into a career.
Earning a Bachelor’s degree is an admirable accomplishment, but it isn’t for everybody. If your ultimate goal is to earn an education and find a job quickly while setting yourself up for a long-term career, a trade school could be exactly what you’re looking for.
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Additional Sources
1 – http://www.englishcourseadvice.com/technical-school-traditional-college.html
2 – http://lifehacker.com/trade-school-might-be-a-better-choice-than-college-her-1484086007
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