
What Is a Marine Electrician?

Electricians wire the world, connecting homes, factories, businesses, construction sites and much more to the electrical grid. Marine electricians are responsible for the electrical wiring that powers the equipment and fixtures found on a ship or in a shipyard. See more about this seafaring electrician career path below. What Does a Marine Electrician Do? Similar […]

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How Old Are Electricians? Examining the Potential for a Skilled Trades Shortage

The aging electrician workforce has been the focus of some recent studies.1,2 Why? Because many electricians are nearing retirement age, and researchers are concerned about the potential for a skilled trades shortage if there are not enough workers with the proper electrician training and skills to replace them.1 The median age of an electrician in […]

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Is HVAC Better than Electrician: A Career Comparison

Are you considering vocational training but aren’t sure whether to become an HVAC technician or an electrician? It’s an understandable predicament, considering these two occupations can have overlapping tasks. Knowing the various duties, skills and training requirements for each skilled trade can help you determine which could best fit with your interests, skills and resources. […]

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4 Tips for Smoother Home Service Calls for Electricians and HVAC Technicians

What do HVAC technicians and electricians have in common? They can both benefit from good customer service skills.1 While you may learn different technical skills in an electrician training program versus HVAC classes, you’ll likely enter customers’ homes to make service calls in either skilled trade. And that can make soft skills like communication and […]

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Why Is an Electrician Considered an Essential Worker?

Your lights. Your computer. Your coffee maker. Electricity powers them all and much, much more, and electricians are the people behind the scenes making it all possible.1 That’s why they’re still clocking in everyday even during the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re essential workers.2 Keep reading to see how electricians help power America during national emergencies and […]

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Wiring the World: Where You Could Work as an Electrician

Modern life wouldn’t be possible without electricity. It keeps the lights on, the A/C and heat working, and powers the T.V. on game day.[1] Electricians are just as important. They install, maintain and repair the electrical wiring that powers lighting, control and communications systems in businesses, factories and homes.[2] Work for electricians can be found […]

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Basic Terminology for Beginner Electricians: The Words You Need to Know

If you’re thinking of becoming an electrician or you’ve already made the commitment, you have a lot of new words and lingo to learn. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of all the terminology that beginning electricians should know. Terms of the Electrician Trade Just as doctors must understand medical terminology to do their […]

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