If you’ve thought about going back to school to train for a new career, you may be wondering if it fits into your schedule. One way to achieve your career goals in a surprisingly short time is to attend a trade school, where it’s possible to complete training programs in just two years or less—much quicker than a four-year university. 1 With a small time commitment people are choosing trade programs to get their start in rewarding and in-demand careers like welding.
Use Flexible Scheduling to Your Advantage
Traditional universities and colleges schedules don’t always accommodate students who work full time, but fortunately, there are plenty of viable alternatives. Some schools, such as Tulsa Welding School, offer flexible class schedules. Training for vocations like welding or electromechanical technology is primarily hands-on. Students can schedule extra time to get practice.
Balance Commitments with Time Management
If you’re concerned about meeting all your deadlines in trade school while also managing work or family commitments, it’s helpful to have a plan in place to help achieve your goals. With time management skills, you can keep up with your professional and personal commitments—and maybe even still have time to spare for hobbies and relaxation. Below are some tips to help you make the most of your time while balancing trade school with other obligations.
- Plot out a realistic timeline of your average week; understanding exactly how you’re spending your time can help you make informed decisions and use it more wisely. 2
- Purchase a planner or download a planner-style smartphone app. Keep track of all your commitments, prioritizing important ones involving family, friends, or school—and make sure to pencil in time for the occasional recharging break.
- Keep social media and cell phone usage to a minimum. Learn to say no and not let others make you feel guilty for not immediately getting back to them. You may even want to consider turning off your cell phone if notifications keep capturing your attention.
- Make sure work environments are conducive to focusing on the task at hand. Before commencing with work or study sessions, make the adjustments needed to ensure full productivity. 3
You May Be Closer to a Career than You Think
Trade school can lead to exceptional professional opportunities and in far less time than a traditional university education requires. Plus, there is high demand for skilled trade workers in many industries, so you can potentially have access to a variety of career opportunities after you graduate. You need to make the time to go back to school and be able to be disciplined enough to balance your commitments through time management and careful planning.
Have You Considered a Career in the Skilled Trades?
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Additional Sources
1 – http://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2015/article/career-planning-for-high-schoolers.htm
2 – http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/features/time-management-tips
3 – http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2010/09/28/30-savvy-time-management-tips-and-tricks
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