Networking has always been an important part of establishing oneself in an industry and discovering new job prospects. The digital age, however, has expanded opportunities to connect with others in the field, making it just as important to attend conferences and mixers as to interact on social networks. LinkedIn is one of the most prominent online platforms for professional including welders, and there are several steps you can take to use the tool to your full advantage while still in welding classes or once you’re working in the field. 1
What Is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a social network targeted at professionals across a broad range of industries. Currently employed individuals and job seekers alike maintain profiles on the site in hopes of attracting the attention of the many recruiters who frequent the network. In addition to having profiles that highlight education and work experience, LinkedIn members are encouraged to connect with one another by reaching out to professionals in their industry and becoming active in LinkedIn groups.
Why Should Welders Use LinkedIn?
While many platforms prove useful for socializing with friends and family, LinkedIn offers a greater range of opportunities for connecting with fellow professionals and potential employers. There are currently over 433 million LinkedIn users, and it lists job opportunities and gives more detail about them than the average online job posting.
Attracting recruiters is just one of many ways that welders can use LinkedIn. With a dedicated space for welders, as well as groups focused on metal fabrication and robotic welding, the social network can also help welders stay informed of industry news. 2
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Creating a Professional Profile
Your profile is how recruiters and other industry professionals find you. Having a professional profile will those people more likely to want to connect with you. Here are a few brief tips.
- Have a professional profile picture. That means no picture of you and your friends, avatars, or anything else that detracts from showing that you are a professional.
- Your profile should be easy to find. Use keywords related to welding to optimize your page, but don’t just stuff the word keywords.
- Solid grammar and clear writing is important everywhere, but particularly in the professional sphere. If you struggle with resume writing, you may want to consider seeking professional assistance, which you may be able to find at the career services department of your welding school.
- Look for people you already know and send an invitation to connect with them. Just like live networking, start with people you know who can connect you with others.
- When inviting people to connect, make sure to customize your invitation and personalized your messages. Doing this increases your chances to establish professional relationships. 3
The Value of a Professional Presentation
LinkedIn can be an incredibly valuable tool for welders and other trade professionals, especially when a careful and consistent strategy is employed. By making full use of this resource, you can present yourself as an ambitious professional—and great catch for employers.
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