If you don’t have a high school diploma, it is important that you get a general equivalency diploma (GED). Good reading, writing, spelling, science and especially math skills are essential if you are interested in HVAC training, welding classes, mechanical work, electrician training or any other skilled trade. Following are some tips that can help you get ready and pass your GED test.
1. Research the Requirements
All states require that those who want to take the GED test be at least 18 years old. However, 16 and 17 year olds can complete certain documents their state requires to take the test under certain circumstances. However, some states have other requirements not listed above. Be sure to research these requirements before you start studying to ensure that you will be eligible to take the GED exam when you are ready to do so.
2. Look into Taking a Prep Class
You might want to look into taking a GED preparation class from an adult education instructor. Some cities, counties and states offer these class, so it would be a good idea to research what resources are available to you. Some tutoring services offer GED prep where you would work one on one with a tutor or in small study groups.
3. Take Advantage of Practice Tests
Knowing what GED exams test you on can be helpful in coming up with a study plan. Start by taking a practice test. You will be able to see what types of questions you will be asked and how many. GED practice tests can be found for free online and will help you see what your weak areas are. Just be sure the tests that you are practicing with the most recent version.[i] Make sure to get practice tests for all subjects in which you will be tested. Practice exams will help you not only improve your skills but also boost your confidence.
4. Schedule the Exam
Once you feel ready to take the GED, find local testing centers and call to see which one offers the tests at a time that suits your schedule. You may take all subjects at once or separately, depending on your preferences and/or local testing policies.[ii] Pay in advance and follow the testing center’s guidelines for reserving a spot on the test day (or days) of your choice.
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Get Ready to Succeed!
A GED diploma generally gives you a big boost in planning your future. It enables you to further your training and reach your career goals. Thankfully, it is not hard to qualify for taking this test and you should be able to pass with dedicated time and effort!
Additional Sources
[i] http://adulted.about.com/od/gettingyourged/a/The-New-Online-Ged-Test.htm
[ii] http://www.gedtestingservice.com/testers/mygedfaqs#SCHEDULING
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